Critical Incident Stress Debriefing is an evidence based approach to supporting individuals who have experienced a stressful or traumatic event. ProMentality has professional clinicians who can support individuals or groups to move process the event and minimize symptoms of traumatic stress.
Supports provided by the ProMentality Critical Incident Team come to support with a structured, brief intervention supported by research to minimize symptoms of traumatic stress.
While in person support is preferred, what we do know is virtual support is better than no support at all. The ProMentality Critical Incident Team is able to travel if needed to support in person.
The team will explore options for ongoing support for those in need and find resources in their community or with ProMentality moving forward.
Catastrophic fires, mass shootings, workplace violence, serious accidents, natural disasters (storms, wildfires, earthquakes, etc.), industrial disasters, etc.
Numbness or shock, Life-disrupting emotions and other psychological reactions (anger, denial, grief, confusion, terror, survivor guilt, blame, difficulty concentrating, flashbacks, etc.), Acute stress disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), difficulty eating and/or sleeping, missed work, substance use problems, relationship difficulties, depression, anxiety
Because Critical Incident debriefing is evidence based, we can quantify the outcomes of utilizing this support - the literature tells us that those who receive these supports experience fewer symptoms of depression, stress, traumatic stress, anxiety and anger during a follow-up
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