Welcome to ProMentality performance & wellness

This image provides an invaluable visual of the foundation and heart of ProMentality.
The dandelion represents the part of an individual who wishes for change and dreams of where they would like to be. At the same time, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry shares, "A goal without a plan is just a wish". This highlights the importance of knowledge in the process of change.
This knowledge is represented by the lightbulb.
When we think of a dandelion we also think of how, when we blow the seeds off in the wind with a wish, they are persistent and spread like wild fire.
This internal spark, represented by the light bulb, guides this change a spark of thought and intelligence which speaks to the initial desire we see when we begin to think about change and what direction we wish to take.
Benjamin Disraeli’s reminder that “Change is inevitable. Change is constant” highlights that we get to choose what shape and direction our change will take when our wishes and intelligence come together.
So, we ask, "Where will change take you?"
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(Please text or email outside of office hours, we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.)
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604-226-6218 (call or text)
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